Earnings Disclaimer for 3 Sixty Digital Solutions

Our Commitment to Accuracy:

At 3 Sixty Digital Solutions, we've strived to ensure that the information we provide accurately represents our internet and marketing education, tools, resources, and support programs. However, it's essential to acknowledge that success in utilizing the techniques, strategies, resources, support, tools, or information we offer is not guaranteed, and any income or earnings are not promised.

No Assurances of Earnings or Business Success:

Please be aware that nothing on our websites, in our literature, or in our coaching or programs can be construed as a promise or guarantee of earnings or business success. Your individual success is contingent upon numerous factors beyond our control. These factors include your knowledge, time investment, personal effort, resourcefulness, interpersonal skills, financial resources, business acumen, connections, risk tolerance, market conditions, and your ability to adapt. Since these elements vary among individuals and change over time, we cannot assure your success, income level, or revenue generation. Ultimately, you are responsible for your actions and results in both life and business.

No "Get Rich" Programs or Promises:

We want to emphasize that we do not sell any "get rich" programs, franchises, or business opportunities as defined by provincial, state or federal law. The education, tools, resources, and support we provide may not be suitable for all individuals or situations. We explicitly disclaim all claims of earnings, performance, return on investment, or the idea that any of our products, services, support, tools, techniques, or strategies will guarantee financial gain. Moreover, we disclaim any responsibility for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse, or non-use of the information provided by us. By utilizing our websites and programs, you acknowledge that your results are your own responsibility, and we are not liable or accountable for your outcomes.

Past Performances and Testimonials:

Past performances and testimonials do not ensure future results. Testimonials and reviews found on our websites or discussed during our live events represent the individual experiences and opinions of those who have participated in our events or purchased our education and support. These testimonials should not be considered as typical or average results for anyone. Therefore, no one should rely on these testimonials or reviews as a guarantee of their own success. Individual success is influenced by a variety of factors such as effort, knowledge, techniques, timing, and experience, resulting in varying outcomes.

Not Legal or Financial Advice:

It's important to note that we are not accountants, attorneys, or financial advisors, and we do not provide services in these fields. The information presented on our websites and by us should not be viewed as a substitute for tax, legal, or financial advice provided by your own accountant, attorney, and/or financial advisor. While we've taken care in preparing the information we make available, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information, and we accept no liability for any losses or damages incurred. It is essential to seek tax, legal, and financial advice tailored to your specific circumstances for any questions or concerns you may have.

Our Limited Responsibility:

We are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your professional or business decisions, changes in your financial situation, or any other results stemming from the information, resources, support, or tools we provide. In essence, you are solely accountable for your results.

© 3 Sixty Digital Solutions 2024 - All Rights Reserved